Course Descriptions
ACD 245 - Special Issues in the Field of Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency/Substance Abuse
3 Credits
Provides students with the knowledge and skills that will prepare them to understand and deliver appropriate services to individuals who have been affected by the use/abuse/dependency on alcohol and other drugs. Issues will include, but not be limited to, communicable diseases, socio-cultural topics, cultural relevance, MICA population, adolescents, elderly, women, gay/lesbian population, violence and abuse, advocacy, counseling wellness, supervision, prevention, and community education.
-Carries MCC college credit and 45 hours N.Y.S. OASAS-approved credit.
Prerequisite: ACD 140 with a grade of C or higher
MCC General Education: MCC-BCW - Writing (MBCW), MCC-VE - Values and Ethics (MVE)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explain ethical decision making and conduct as they relates to substance abuse practice.
2. Examine confidentiality/legal issues as they relate to current federal (HIPPAA) and state laws regarding substance abuse practice.
3. Explain the completed Mandated Child Abuse and Maltreatment online course for Addiction Professionals.
4. Discuss the OASAS Canon of Ethical Principles, the Federal Confidentiality of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Patient Record Laws (Title 42 CFR. 1(2), and the federal and state confidentiality laws regarding HIV status.
5. Compare and contrast the potential link between communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS and the abuse of psychoactive drugs.
6. Discuss counselor wellness practices, which may include time management, work/life balance, personal biases, stressors and the utilization of clinical supervision.
7. Discuss the role of diverse mutual aid support groups in addiction recovery.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025